The lack of funding can be detrimental to small businesses. Often, businesses smaller in size must combat the lack of funds while attempting to become profitable and grow. An adequate amount of funds allows businesses to hire qualified employees, enhance current business functions, tap into larger or additional markets, while simultaneously handling the fixed costs of the business. Having sufficient funds monthly provides peace of mind and freedom to flow daily. Raising capital can be accomplished through various channels. Building Businesses that Scale.
- Friends, Family and/or Self-funding
- Grants
- Crowdfunding
- SBA loans
- Bank Loans
- Venture Capital Funding
- Private Equity
Business Funding tip– Create a pitch deck to present to potential investors when raising capital. The pitch deck will provide the important details about your business and should attract qualified investors.
Beaver, S. B. 2020, Netsuite, 10 Top Financial Challenges for Small Businesses and How to Overcome Them,